On the Subject of Dreams A Master and disciple are sitting near a stream... Master: What is troubling you my favorite one? Disciple: I feel a deep wound in my being. For all my life I have been conditioned to think one way, and all of a sudden someone said something that was like a slap in my face. I tried to reject it, but is was like an arrow that has penetrated my inner soul. It made me angry and I immediately fought against the words. Master: Is what this person said true? Disciple: It can't be! For it goes counter to everything I have learned, everything that I have lived for. My whole life I have been living for certain truths that have been dear to me. Master: And why do you fight it? Disciple: To hold on to my truths and my values... my existence depends on what I hold dear to my heart. I cling to these values because they define who I am, what I do, what I represent. My confidence, my self-esteem, everything would crumble down if what this person said was true. What am I if I were not to hold on to ME, the things I believe in? Master: What are you if you were to wake from a dream? There is a long silence as the disciple took in these words, and then a big smile forms on his face.Source: Buddhism Depot Magazine MidnightFlyer's Zen Home MidnightFlyer's Homepage Unfinished Business US President's Web Ring Home Page Presidential Trivia Howie's Great Democratic Quote Page Howie's Stupid GOP Quote Page GOP Funny Paper Mail James Howington
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