Mystery woman with the dark hair and deep eyes, She comes in the morning with the golden sunrise. As she walks by, she floats like a leaf slowly drifting down, The center jewel in nature's crown. But deep down inside where no-one goes, She planted a garden where her sorrows grow. At one corner she planted heartache and pain, And she waters it each day with tears instead of rain. One row she's planted self loathing and doubt, If she wonders in, she can't find her way back out. The sun rises and shines everyday, But her shaded glasses colors it dark and gray. Her lips are like a magic ship, That could carry a man away. But if you watch her a long while, She will never, never, never smile. But somewhere in her garden, there is a tiny seed, That with a little water and love, will grow a mighty tree, That will bring a smile and lift her spirits, And will for all time, finally set her free. Mystery woman with the dark hair, deep eyes, She comes in the morning with the golden sunrise. As she walks by, she floats like a leaf slowly drifting down, The center jewel in nature's crown. Jim Howington Sep 2011 For Sara: You take my heart away.... Howie ~ you never were alone. Just only in your head, where we make ourselves so alone that we can not escape. SaraMidnightFlyer's Homepage Unfinished Business Zen Home Howie's Presidential and Political Page Benjamin Franklin Quotes Will Rogers Quotes Mark Twain Quotes Larry Flynt - Defender of the First Amendment Mushroom Express Quotes From Supreme Court Justices US Presidents Living Water (Christian Pages) Read or Sign My Guestbook
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