Crazy as a Loon Driving with One Headlight out The Elevator doesn't go to the top Stick is not on the ice One sandwitch short of a picnic One brick short of a load Five cans short of a six-pack Not firing on all cylinders
He/She's egg is cracked Crazy as a peach orchard boar Goofy as a deadfallen jaybird An olive short of a pizza Four quarters short of a dollar
he/she is from the giggle academy wack-a-doodle Has a screw loose Is Bugged Out Should be in the Bughouse Mad as a hatter Mad as a monkey on a trike Lost his/her marbles
Belongs in the booby hatch a few cards shy of a full deck out of his tree howling at the moon converted to Scientology Future Guest on the Jerry Springer Show off his/her rocker nuttier than a fruitcake/pecan pie has straight jacket in every color Welcome to Wackjob City; population: YOU! daft a nutter dipping into the squirrel stash kook bonkers quite simply mad darling Cuckoo for Coco Puffs
took a trip around the bend toys in the attic bats in the belfry lights are on but nobody is home apeshit A couple of neurons short of a synapse. space cadet cracked up bent Touched twisted spacy insane in the membrane... Flipped his lid Loony Tunes nuttier than a shithouse rat Taco Shy of a Combo Plate Only One Oar In The Water He doesn't have enough brains to tan his own hide queer (odd) as a football bat psychologically challenged Flip One’s Wig Gone Haywire Going Bananas One banana short of a bunch Off One’s Rocker
Out Of Hand Stark Raving Mad Crazy as a bedbug Just Batshit Insane Bats in the attic bat fuck insane from the funny farm out in left field over the rainbow Some days it's not worth gnawing through the straps. I have a grip on reality, just not this particular one. Don't let anyone drive you crazy when you know it is walking distance. REMEMBER People "Work as if you don't need the money, love as if you've never been hurt, dance as if no ones watching."
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