A PRAYER FOR STRESS Father, today seems so tense and stressful Calm my mind, please keep me 'restful'. Guard my tongue - it's need to verbally lash Dispel my temper - ready to rave and smash Take control, Father, lest I make You ashamed And my Christian witness is rightfully maimed. You loved the sinner - though not the sin - With You beside me, over 'flesh' I can win. Relax me in Your presence, refresh me with Your calm My strength in You is great - no need for alarm Nip retaliation in the bud, before I dare start - Purify my thoughts, let Your love flow in my heart Why should I let the world cause me dismay? Why should I give in and let Satan have his way? Cast out all fear, anger - change my attitude Let my focus remain on YOU.. pure altitude!

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